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Symptoms of Cataracts

The most common symptom of cataracts is the noticeable blurring and worsening of vision. Other symptoms include the dimming and fading of colors, decreased night vision, problems with bright lights and sunshine, and in many cases, regular visits to the ophthalmologist for changes in glasses and contact lens prescriptions as vision worsens. Some patients report double vision in the affected eye although this symptom seems to decrease or disappear entirely as the cataracts grows. If an individual's eyesight grows...


Other Types of Cataracts
Depending on the cause of the cataracts development there are several types, other than age-related cataracts, which have been defined. They are secondary cataracts, traumatic cataracts, congenital cataracts and radiation cataracts. Secondary cataracts...
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Risks of Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery has become one of the most common and well-perfected surgeries performed in North America. Its success rate is extremely high and side effects and risks extremely low. However, as with all invasive procedures, there will always be potential...
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